
rooftop view

Welcome to and thank you for staying in Tokyo Guest House 2020! We are in the middle of our Grand Opening sale now because of a newly built (in 2018) start-up stage now. We are continuing to be a friendly guesthouse. Our aim is to socialize you with many guests from around the world – 6 continents.

Contact Us for more information!

Special Events

We are eager to greet you warmly for the coming seasons-in 2019 and 2020:
A) July/August Summer holidays,
B) Autumn Rugby World Cup 2019,
C) Halloween and Year-end countdown,
D) 2020 Spring cherry blossoming,
E) 2020 Tokyo Olympics and so on……

If you’d like to get in touch with us, send an email there : usfp@nifty.com.
Thanks for visiting Tokyoguesthouse2020 and we hope to do business with you soon!

Two Locations Available

A) TokyoGuestHouse2020.com or TokyoGuestHouse2020.jp  B) Suburban: Higashi Matsudo Cherry House, 30 main spots 10 to 30 minutes away via shuttle limo-car, including Narita, Tokyo, Disney, Asakusa, and Tokyo Skytree Tower direct with shuttle limo-car. Private rooms available for families or solo travelers in both locations!

Celebrating grand opening since 2017/2018. Max 70 Guests ~ 100 Guests (with B) Max 30 Guests ~ 100 Guests (with A) Central Tokyo Suburban Tokyo, Residential House with Panoramic rooftop views with Grape & BBQ Garden.

Main contact:
Tel: 090-8175-9457 (Wifi/Overseas 8190-8175-9457)
Email: usfp@nifty.com

Host team:
Tom (Bilingual, Wall street NYU-MBA1970) , Kimiko (Bilingual) and two local bilingual hosts